Thursday 8 December 2011

Computer Fundamental

1. A Kb corresponds to
(a) 1024 bits
(b) 1000 bytes
(c) 210 bytes
(d) 210 bits

2. A superscalar processor has
(a) multiple functional units
(b) a high clock speed
(c) a large amount of RAM
(d) many I/O ports

3. A 32-bit processor has
(a) 32 registers
(b) 32 I/O devices
(c) 32 Mb of RAM
(d) a 32-bit bus or 32-bit registers

4. Information is stored and transmitted inside a computer in
(a) binary form
(b) ASCII code form
(c) decimal form
(d) alphanumeric form

5. The minimum number of bits required to store the hexadecimal number FF is
(a) 2,
(b) 4,
(c) 8,
(d) 16

6. A parity bit is
(a) used to indicate uppercase letters
(b) used to detect errors
(c) is the first bit in a byte
(d) is the last bit in a byte

7. A 20-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity
(a) 1 Mb
(b) 2 Mb
(c) 32Mb
(d) 64 Mb

8. A 32-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity
(a) 64 Mb
(b) 16 Mb
(c) 1 Gb
(d) 4 Gb

9.Clock speed is measured in
(a) bits per second
(b) baud
(c) bytes
(d) Hertz

10. On-chip cache has
(a) lower access time than RAM
(b) larger capacity than off chip cache
(c) its own data bus
(d) become obsolete

11. The original ASCII codes
(a) were 7 bits
(b) 8 bits
(c) represented 256 characters
(d) represented 127 characters

12. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is
(a) 66D
(b) 41H
(c) 0100 0010
(d) 0110 0011

13. The ASCII code of ‘0’ (zero) is
(a) 48D,
(b) 32H
(c) 0011 1000
(d) 42H.

14. The 4-bit binary number 0111 represents
(a) 15,
(b) -7
(c) 7
(d) -1

15. The decimal number 127 may be represented by
(a) 1111 1111B,
(b) 1000 0000B,
(c) EEH,
(d) 0111 1111

16. A byte corresponds to
(a) 4 bits
(b) 8 bits
(c) 16 bits
(d) 32 bits

17. The storage required for an image such as an X-ray is approximately
(a) a few bytes
(b) a few hundred bytes
(c) a few gigabytes
(d) in the megabyte range.

18. A gigabyte represents
(a) 1 billion bytes
(b) 1000 kilobytes
(c) 230 bytes
(d) 1024 bytes

19. A megabyte represents
(a) 1 million bytes
(b) 1000 kilobytes
(c) 220 bytes
(d) 1024 bytes

20. In a network, the computer that stores the files and process the data is named as
a) Server
b) Terminal
c) Modem
d) All of the above

21. Viruses are called that because
a) They are viruses
b) They can copy themselves and spread
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

22. Which of the can't spread virus
a) An e-mail with attachment
b) A plain text mail
c) Downloading files over the web
d) None of the above

23. There is a new anti-virus software update available, when it is downloaded to your computer
a) Everyday
b) Only in the night
c) When you next switch on your computer
d) All of the above

24. CPU capacity can be measured in
a) BPS
c) MHz
d) MPI

25. MPIS stands for
a) Million Instructions Per Second
b) Million Instructions Per Season
c) Monthly Instructions Per Second
d) Million Inputs Per Second

26. LAN speeds are measured in
a) BPS

27. Modem speeds are measured in
a) BPS

28. BPS stands for
a) Bits Per Second
b) Bits Per Season
c) Bytes Per Second
d) Bits Per System

29. In processing cheques which of the following I/O techniques have banks traditionally followed?
a) OCR
c) Barcode
d) VRT

30. What is object of UPS?
a) Using for storage
b) To increase the speed of a computer
c) Provides backup power
d) All of the above

31. QWERTY is used with reference to
a) Monitor
b) Printer
c) Keyboard
d) Mouse

32. "Zipping" a file means
a) Encrypting the message
b) Compressing the message
c) Transfer the message
d) All of the above

33. Integrated Circuits (IC) chips used in computers are made with
a) Gold
b) Silver
c) Silicon
d) Coper

34. What is the Super Computer developed in India
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

35. Which of the following is different from other
a) Internet
b) Windows
c) Unix
d) Linux

36. What is the full form of WWW?
a) World Wide Web
b) World With Web
c) Work Wide Web
d) World Wide Wet

37. Which of the following Command is required to reboot the computer

38. Select the ODD one
a) Operating system
b) Interpreter
c) Compiler
d) Assembler

39. PC stands for
a) Practical Computer
b) Personal Computer
c) Private Computer
d) Personal Contact

40. The computer code for interchange of information between terminals is
b) BCD
d) None of the above

41. The retrieval of information from the computer is defined as
a) Data processing
b) Input
c) Output
d) All of the above

42. Which one of the following is NOT a computer language?
a) MS-Excel
d) C++

43. "C" is
a) A letter
b) A word
c) A language
d) An alphabet

44. Difference Engine invented by
a) Charles Babbage
b) John McCarthy
c) Pascal
d) Newton

45. First generation computer systems used
a) Transistors
b) Vacuum Tubes
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

46. A byte is made up of
a) Eight bytes
b) Eight binary digits
c) Two binary digits
d) Two decimal points

47. Doing research by using an on-line database instead of a printed set of similar information offers which of the following advantage
a) More current information
b) Easier to understand
c) Better charts
d) None of the above

48. Software programs that allow you to legally copy files and give them away at no cost are called which of the following
a) Time sharing
b) Public domain
c) Shareware
d) None of the above

49. The term that we use to describe physical components of the system
a) Hardware
b) Input
c) Software
d) None of the above

50. Which of the following is used to indicate the location on the computer monitor
a) Mouse
b) Cursor
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

51. Mr. Saketh needs to design invitation card. What type of computer program is suitable?
a) MS-Word
b) Desktop Publishing
c) Simulation
d) None of the above

52. Which combination of keys needs to be pressed to make a percent sign?
a) Shift+2
b) Shift+3
c) Shift+4
d) Shift+5

53. What process should be used to recall a document saved previously?
a) Copy
b) Save
c) Retrieve
d) Enter

54. What term applies to a collection of related records in a database?
a) Field
b) File
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above

55. How are data organized in a spreadsheet?
a) Rows and Columns
b) Boxes
c) Tables
d) None of the above

56. Which of the following mode we use to deliver e-mail
a) Postal
b) Courier
c) Computer
d) Fax

57. VIRUS stands for
a) Vital Information Recourse Under Siege
b) Vital Information Reason Under Siege
c) Vital Information Recourse Under System
d) Virus Information Recourse Under Siege

58. ------ Is known as unauthorized access into others system
a) Hacking
b) Encryption
c) Decryption
d) None of the above