Friday 30 December 2011

Computer Fundamental 2

1. Numbers are stored and transmitted inside a computer in
(a) binary form
(b) ASCII code form
(c) decimal form
(d) alphanumeric form

2. The original ASCII codes
(a) were 7 bits
(b) 8 bits
(c) represented 256 characters
(d)represented 127 characters

3. The ASCII code of ‘A’ is
(a) 66D
(b) 41H
(c) 0100 0010
(d) 0110 0011

4. The ASCII code of ‘0’ (zero) is
(a) 48D,
(b) 32H
(c) 0011 1000
(d) 42H.

5.1 The 4-bit binary number 0111 represents
(a) 15,
(b) -7
(c) 7
(d) -1

5.2 The decimal number 255 may be represented by
(a) 1111 1111B,
(b) 10000000B,
(c) EEEEH,
(d) 0111 1111

5.3 The 8-bit binary number 1111 1111 represents
(a) 255,
(b) -255
(c) -127
(d) -1

6. The decimal number 127 may be represented by
(a) 1111 1111B,
(b) 1000 0000B,
(d) 0111 1111

7. A byte corresponds to
(a) 4 bits
(b) 8 bits
(c) 16 bits
(d) 32 bits

8. The storage required for an image such as an X-ray is approximately
(a) a few bytes
(b)a few hundred bytes
(c) a few gigabytes
(d) in the megabyte range.

9. A gigabyte represents
(a) 1 billion bytes
(b) 1000 kilobytes
(c) 230 bytes
(d) 1024 bytes

10. A megabyte represents
(a) 1 million bytes
(b) 1000 kilobytes
(c) 220 bytes
(d) 1024bytes

11. A Kb corresponds to
(a) 1024 bits
(b) 1000 bytes
(c) 210 bytes
(d) 210 bits

12. A superscalar processor has
(a) multiple functional units
(b) a high clock speed
(c) a large amount of RAM
(d) many I/O ports

13. A 32-bit processor has
(a) 32 registers
(b) 32 I/O devices
(c) 32 Mb of RAM
(d) a 32-bit bus or 32-bit registers

14. Information is stored and transmitted inside a computer in
(a) binary form
(b) ASCII code form
(c) decimal form
(d) alphanumeric form

15. The minimum number of bits required to store the hexadecimal number FF is
(a) 2,
(c) 8,
(d) 16

16. A parity bit is
(a) used to indicate uppercase letters
(b) used to detect errors
(c) is the first bit in a byte
(d) is the last bit in a byte

17. A 20-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity
(a) 1 Mb
(b) 2 Mb
(d) 64 Mb

18. A 32-bit address bus allows access to a memory of capacity
(a) 64 Mb
(b) 16 Mb
(c) 1Gb
(d) 4 Gb

19. Clock speed is measured in
(a) bits per second
(b) baud
(c) bytes
(d) Hertz

20. On-chip cache has
(a) lower access time than RAM
(b) larger capacity than off chip cache
(c) its own data bus
(d) become obsolete

21. An FPU
(a) makes integer arithmetic faster
(b) makes pipelining more efficient
(c)increases RAM capacity
(d) makes some arithmetic calculations faster

22. Pipelining improves CPU performance due to
(a) reduced memory access time
(b) increased clock speed
(c) the introduction of parallellism
(d) additional functional units

23. The system bus is made up of
 (a) data bus
 (b) data bus and address bus
 (c) data bus and control bus
 (d) data bus, control bus and address bus

24. The von Neumann bottleneck is due to
 (a) mismatch in speed between secondary and primary storage
 (b) mismatch in speed between the CPU and primary storage
 (c) slow speed of I/O devices
 (d) low clock speeds

25. Cache memory enhances
(a) memory capacity
(b) memory access time
(c) secondary storage capacity
(d) secondary storage access time

26. Cache memory
(a) has greater capacity than RAM
(b) is faster to access than CPU registers
(c) is permanent storage
(d) faster to access than DRAM

27. A machine cycle refers to
(a) fetching an instruction
(b) clock speed
(c) fetching, decoding and executing an instruction
(d) executing an instruction

28. CISC machines
(a) have fewer instructions than RISC machines
(b) use more RAM than RISC machines
(c) have medium clock speeds
(d) use variable size instructions

29. RISC machines typically
(a) have high capacity on-chip cache memories
(b) have fewer registers than CISC machines
(c) are less reliable than CISC machines
(d) typically execute 1 instruction per clock cycle.

30. CPU performance may be measured in
(a) BPS
(b) MIPS
(c) MHz
(d) VLSI

31. Modern processor chips may be classified as
(a) LSI
(b) ULSI
(c) MIPS
(d) SSI

32. Silicon chips are becoming more complex because
(a) die size is decreasing
(b) feature size is decreasing
(c) yield is increasing
(d) the scale of integration is decreasing

33. Accessing disk storage is slower than accessing RAM by an order of
(a) 10
(b) 100
 (c) 1000
 (d) 100,000

34. The typical disk storage capacity of a PC is of the order of
(a) 32 MB
(b) 2 Gb
(c) 2 Tb
(d) 5120 Kb

35. Disk access takes of the order of
(a) x millisecs
(b) x microsecs
(c) x/100 secs
(d) x nanosecs

36. RAM access takes of the order of
(a) x millisecs
(b) x microsecs
(c) x/100 secs
(d) x nanosecs

37. Cache memory access takes of the order of
(a) x millisecs
(b) x microsecs
(c) x secs
(d) x nanosecs

38. Accessing RAM is slower than accessing cache memory by an order of
(a) 10
(b) 100
(c) 200
(d) 50

39. Optical tape storage
(a) has faster access time than disk storage
(b) smaller capacity than CD-ROM
(c) greater capacity than DAT storage
(d) smaller capacity than DAT storage

40. DIP involves the use of a
(a) scanner
(b) plotter
(c) microphone
(d) CD-ROM

41. The typical RAM capacity of a PC is of the order of
(a) 32 MB
(b) 16 Gb
(c) 16 Tb
(d) 512 Kb

42. Modem speeds are measured in
(a) bps
(b) kbps
(c) mbps
(d) mips

43. LAN speeds are measured in
(a) bps
(b) Kbps
(c) Mbps
(d) Mips

44. WAN speeds are
(a) usually higher than LAN speeds
(b) measured in bytes per second
(c) depend on the transmission medium
(d) limited by modem speeds

45. Accessing the Internet from a typical home PC requires the use of
(a) CD-ROM drive
(b) a modem
(c) Windows 95
(d) Netscape

46. To use the Internet you
(a) must use the World Wide Web
(b) must use electronic mail
(c) use appropriate communications software
(d) must have a LAN account

47. A Pentium processor comprises
(a) more than 1 million transistors
(b) more than 3 million transistors
(c) 500,000 transistors
(d) 900,000 transistors

48. Which of the following is NOT a type of processor
(a) PowerPC 601
 (b) Motorola 8086
(c) Motorola 68000
(d) Intel Pentium

49. Apple Macintoshs were originally based on the
(a) Intel 80x86 processor family
(b) Motorola 68000 family
(c) Motorola 6800 family
(d) PowerPc family

50. IBM PC’s were originally based on the
(a) Intel 80x86 processor family
 (b) Motorola 68000 family
(c) Motorola 6800 family
(d) PowerPc family

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